
I have been visited many times by Mahito in the last year. Always playful, climbing, smiling. I feel as though I’ve never truly grieved for him, because I’ve never not felt him. In any case, the most important thing to me is that he is proud of me. He was a tough nut to please. Always wanted a proper knife, proper sushi, a proper rope, a proper truck. I guess for me he always wanted a proper life, and I’ve heard from his mouth that I’m living it. He used to tell me that I knew him better than he knew himself. I miss him. Maybe because I can’t choose to visit him (which is ironic, because I never knew when he’d roller blade up my stairs, show up at some show, appear out of-nowhere, drop in on a random party,… so not much has changed in that regard). In any case, wanted to say that he’s still around, playing in the Ord, chasing skunks and being devious. I feel sorry for the new students on campus. They don’t know why the spirit keeps messing with them. He’ll cross over soon, but he’s still got some fun to have before he goes. Good luck in the next life friend. I don’t think I’ll see you again on this planet. It’s been a hell of an adventure, but it’s time for you to have a proper romp. You’ll do fine. I love you and goodbye.

–Keith R. Bruecker

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