Chasing Moonbeams

Once upon a time, on the Monterey Bay, Myrsha and I got stuck out in the artichoke fields looking for the best view of a very full moon. It had been raining for days before we headed out on our adventure… and little did we know the fields were still giant mud puddles. Once we were all but firmly set and up to our axels in good ol Monterey County soil with no where run and no where to hide… and after AAA couldn’t figure out where we were — Mahito came to our rescue… On his valiant steed (a very efficient truck indeed) …he pulled us out of the mud, while he also managed to retrieve (and clean) my mud boots that had been tossed out after my failed efforts to push my jeep free. Cheerz Mahito… for being a girl’s knight in shining armor, among many many wonderful things. I still owe you homemade mac n cheese! Here is to the next time we see you. Love you long time… Monique & Myrsha

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